We’re kicking off a new feature called Trail Tips this month. Whether you’re brand new to hiking or a seasoned pro at hitting the trails, check out our monthly tips here. For June, we’re starting with some hiking basics, and next month, we’ll dig deeper into what to wear … or helpful trail fashion basics,…

A Grand Day for Lindy’s Preserve Opening
[soliloquy id=”4074″] A beautiful spring afternoon, and even a bit of unexpected sunshine, welcomed more than 125 guests to the opening celebration of the new Lindy Roosenburg Preserve north of Athens near Chauncey. Lindy’s family and friends and many, many community members joined the Conservancy for the April 30 event officially opening our newest nature…

Chestnut Trees Planted at Lindy’s Preserve
Athens Conservancy, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Athens Arbor Day Committee, a couple of environmentally conscious Ohio University undergrads, and some local high school students all joined forces in late March. They got together to plant 74 American chestnut trees in the Conservancy’s newest nature preserve. The group planted the chestnut tree seedlings…