Why is spending time outdoors important to you?
It’s a chance to let everything go and be part of nature.
What’s your perfect outdoors-kind-of-day?
Find a quiet spot in the forest to sit, relax, and take in the sounds, smells, and sights of nature. I often sit in my glider near the edge of the woods. One time, a turkey hen and her brood walked within 20 feet of me. What a surprise for both of us! Another perfect day would be a long stroll along a beach looking for seashells, a joy I wish I could do more often.
Advice for someone new to exploring nature?
Pick a time and place and enjoy! Take along a map and water. And … don’t try out a new pair of boots unless you have some Band-Aids with you.
Cat or dog person?
I am definitely a cat person. My two 10-year-old cats (who are siblings), enjoy spending time outdoors with me.
Hidden gem in southeast Ohio?
Anywhere off the beaten path.
Why is protecting land around us so important?
Recently I read comments from explorers who have seen Earth from space. They describe “a tiny, fragile ball of life hanging in the void, shielded and nourished by a paper-thin atmosphere.” That is why it is so important to protect land and the vital role it plays in sustaining life. We have only one Earth to call home.