Athens Conservancy acquired the 35.8-acre Marietta Run Preserve in 2023, thanks to a generous gift of land from Suzanne and John Howell. This Bern Township property extends from the Marietta Run flood plain to the upper slopes of a ridge and is entirely wooded with 60- to 90-year-old forest.
The preserve supports a high diversity of trees, including sugar maple, tulip poplar, black walnut, beech, buckeye, slippery elm and shagbark hickory. Most of the preserve is on a north-facing slope, which is ideal for development of a rich herb layer. Twinleaf and hepatica are abundant, and there are some large patches of Virginia bluebells. Other native wildflowers include blue-eyed Mary, blue cohosh, yellow violet, wild geranium, blue phlox, two species of trilliums, Jacob’s-ladder, wild ginger, Dutchman’s breeches, trout-lily, early saxifrage, and waterleaf. The mossy rock outcrops high on the slope provide habitat for healthy colonies of rockcap fern and walking fern.

The rich habitat is well suited for wildlife, especially deep-woods species such as wood thrushes and cerulean warblers.
To reach the preserve from Athens (22 miles), take US-50E to Guysville, then SR-329 past Stewart and Kilvert to Marietta Run Road (8 miles beyond Stewart). Turn right on Marietta Run Road (Twp Road 196) and drive approximately 2.5 miles. The preserve will be on your right. The GPS coordinates of a point along the road at the northern edge of the preserve are 39.397086, -81.871065.
Exploring the preserve requires crossing Marietta Run, which is shallow enough to wade at times. There are no trails or designated parking. The road carries little traffic, so it is possible to pull off with care. Please do not park at the base of the driveway serving a home across the road near the west end of the preserve.