There are several reasons. Deer browse heavily on native plants (such as precious wildflowers and plants for pollinators), which can significantly impact plant diversity and abundance. Decimation of the forest understory by deer browsing also degrades the habitat for birds and other animals that nest or forage on or near the ground.
Additionally, says Joe Brehm, advisory board member who oversees the program, “Hunting is another way people connect with the land, which is important to our organization. Some of our lead hunters know these properties well and love them so much because they’ve been hunting there for decades. These lead hunters also are very helpful in monitoring our properties, and connecting with the neighbors.
“There is a local food component, too,” Brehm adds, as the ecological benefits generated from eating a local deer versus the same weight in industrial beef are significant.
So, Athens Conservancy calls upon the hunting community to help reduce the deer herd on specific properties within our preserve system. Hunting is by permission and permit only. All Ohio Department of Natural Resources rules and regulations apply. Hunting of any animal other than deer is prohibited.
Hunters may participate in archery hunting in these preserves: Baker, Blair, Bluebell, Brookville, Canaan, Deep Hollow-Dark Skies, Mary Beth Zak Lohse, Skunk Run, and Tucker Run.
There is a long-established gun hunting program at Baker Preserve only, and we continue to allow gun hunting for deer there, under careful management. We recommend that hunters and hikers wear a bright orange or fluorescent green hat or vest during gun hunting season.
Target shooting is prohibited on all preserves.
Deer archery season is Sept. 24, 2022-Feb. 5, 2023. Youth deer gun hunting is Nov. 19-20, 2022. Deer gun hunting is Nov. 28-Dec. 4 and Dec. 17-18, 2022. Hunting hours are 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset.
Each preserve open to hunting has a “lead hunter” who coordinates hunting and grants permission at that preserve in accordance with our hunting policy. For full details about the policy, and contact information for our lead hunters, visit this webpage.