Please know how grateful we are to you, our Conservancy family, supporters, and friends, for partnering with us to protect precious lands, for celebrating the world, and boosting us up. You are an important part of our vision for this part of Ohio.
Donate to support our mission
It’s been an eventful year, with the opening of a beautiful nature preserve, the acceptance of mineral reserves for coal rights to protect the environment, an old-growth forest designation, research projects, increased stewardship work, and lots of fun at events attended by record numbers of you!
And now, as we edge toward the end of the year, please consider a gift to our annual campaign. We are raising funds for a bright 2024, and your support will boost our efforts to protect land, and care for our forests and trails.
Your annual donation supports our mission to preserve wild and scenic places, protect water quality, and maintain healthy ecosystems. That’s particularly important here, in southeastern Ohio, because our region is one of the most resilient areas for preserving biological diversity as the climate warms. Already, we protect more than 3,000 acres of mostly forested land, and three of our preserves – Lindy’s, Baker, and Bluebell – protect many large, old trees that sequester lots of carbon.
Please partner with us by making a donation in this, our annual appeal.
Every dollar you give goes to support efforts to preserve land, keep forests healthy, and help counteract the causes of climate change … for ourselves, for our planet, for our future
It’s easy to donate online by going here or mail a check to Athens Conservancy, PO Box 2281, Athens OH 45701.