The Tucker Run Preserve, 47 acres, is at the very headwaters of Tucker Run, one of the main tributaries of Strouds Run, and so the fund-raising project to acquire it has been named "The Top of Tucker Run Project." At this point, the Conservancy holds a mortgage on the property, and still owes about $36,000, about half the original purchase price. Donations towards paying this off are still needed!
This property is in pretty good shape floristically. There are some wildflower species there that are uncommon in our area, particularly two violets, the long-spurred violet (Viola rostrata) and the sweet white violet (Viola blanda). There are no trails there. Deer hunting is allowed. The property is generally triangular, with one long side bordering Strouds Run State Park. This tract was purchased from Mimi Morrison of Touch the Earth Adventures, who previously preserved it. |
There is no good public access to the tract. The recommended access is by parking in Strouds Run State Park at the Beaver Pond Trailhead, hiking the trail to the beaver ponds, and then, below the beaver dams, going straight across the walley to your left, and climbing over the ridge into the next valley, which is this tract. Be aware that it is bordered by private property on the other sides!
To reach the Beaver Pond Trailhead from Athens, take Carpenter Street west (turn left from Court Street or East State Street, going from downtown). Carpenter becomes Lancaster Street. Take this to the stoplight at the very top of the hill and turn right. This is at first Lancaster Street, then becomes Columbia Avenue and then Strouds Run Road. Continue to a stop sign just after crossing goes over US-33 on an overpass. Turn right at the stop sign (it is still called Strouds Run Road after turning) and drive 2.1 miles to enter the park. Continue about another mile before turning left on State Park Road, towards the campground. Continue on State Park Road almost 1.2 miles to the trailhead.