The Leith Run Recreation Area is located on the Ohio River northeast of Marietta. It features camping, picnicking, a boat ramp, a playground, and access to a trail system. The trail system is reached by walking one-half mile on a level path to OH-7, then crossing it. This is the Scenic River Trail, and another three miles uphill, to the top of the ridge, meets the North Country National Scenic Trail. Most of these trails are open to bicycles.
A loop bicycle trail, the River Scenic Loop Trail, connects to the Scenic River Trail near the bottom and at the top of the hill. This is a 6.5-mile trail that loops back and forth across the hillsides. The first half of this, from the bottom fork near OH-7, is a pleasant hike, up to the long rock bluff overlooking the trail. This trail is not shown on many maps. |